Source code for

# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

This file contains the base interface to the system clipboard.

# pylint: disable=W0622
# Suppress warnings about redefining the built-in 'format' function.

import contextlib
import functools
import locale
import logging
import os
import re
import time

from six import text_type, binary_type, integer_types


[docs]@functools.total_ordering class BaseClipboard(object): """ Base clipboard class. """ _log = logging.getLogger("clipboard") format_text = 1 format_unicode = 13 format_hdrop = 15 format_names = { format_text: "text", format_unicode: "unicode", format_hdrop: "hdrop", } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def get_system_text(cls): """ Retrieve the system clipboard text. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def set_system_text(cls, content): """ Set the system clipboard text. Arguments: - *content* (string) -- the clipboard contents to set. If *None* is given as the *content*, text on the system clipboard will be cleared. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def clear_clipboard(cls): """ Clear the system clipboard. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@classmethod def _clipboard_formats_changed(cls, formats, clipboard1, clipboard2): # Check if the content of any specified format has changed. # Use all formats, if specified. if formats == "all": return clipboard1 != clipboard2 result = False for format in formats: format_available = clipboard1.has_format(format) result = ( format_available != clipboard2.has_format(format) or format_available and clipboard1.get_format(format) != clipboard2.get_format(format)) if result: break return result
[docs] @classmethod def wait_for_change(cls, timeout, step=0.001, formats=None, initial_clipboard=None): """ Wait (poll) for the system clipboard to change. This is a blocking method which returns whether or not the system clipboard changed within a specified timeout period. Arguments: - *timeout* (float) -- timeout in seconds. - *step* (float, default: 0.001) -- number of seconds between each check. - *formats* (iterable, default: None) -- if not None, only changes to the given content formats will register. If None, all formats will be observed. - *initial_clipboard* (Clipboard, default: None) -- if a clipboard is given, the method will wait until the system clipboard differs from the instance's contents. """ # By default, this method retrieves the system clipboard every # *step* seconds until the contents change. This method should be # overridden by the sub-class if there is a more efficient way for # the platform. if not initial_clipboard: initial_clipboard = cls(from_system=True) clipboard2 = cls() timeout = time.time() + float(timeout) step = float(step) if isinstance(formats, integer_types): formats = (formats,) elif formats: for format in formats: if not isinstance(format, integer_types): raise TypeError("Invalid clipboard format: %r" % format) result = False while time.time() < timeout: # Check if the content of any relevant format has changed. clipboard2.copy_from_system() formats_to_compare = formats if formats else "all" result = cls._clipboard_formats_changed(formats_to_compare, initial_clipboard, clipboard2) if result: break # Failure. Try again after *step* seconds. time.sleep(step) return result
[docs] @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def synchronized_changes(cls, timeout, step=0.001, formats=None, initial_clipboard=None): """ Context manager for synchronizing local and system clipboard changes. This takes the same arguments as the :meth:`wait_for_change` method. Arguments: - *timeout* (float) -- timeout in seconds. - *step* (float, default: 0.001) -- number of seconds between each check. - *formats* (iterable, default: None) -- if not None, only changes to the given content formats will register. If None, all formats will be observed. - *initial_clipboard* (Clipboard, default: None) -- if a clipboard is given, the method will wait until the system clipboard differs from the instance's contents. Use with a Python 'with' block:: from dragonfly import Clipboard, Key # Copy the selected text with Ctrl+C and wait until a system # clipboard change is detected. timeout = 3 with Clipboard.synchronized_changes(timeout): Key("c-c", use_hardware=True).execute() # Retrieve the system text. text = Clipboard.get_system_text() """ # Save the current clipboard contents, if necessary. if initial_clipboard: initial_clipboard = cls(from_system=True) try: # Yield for clipboard operations. yield finally: # Wait for the system clipboard to change. cls.wait_for_change(timeout, step, formats, initial_clipboard)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _convert_format_text(cls, content): format_name = cls.format_names[cls.format_text] if not isinstance(content, (text_type, binary_type)): raise TypeError("Invalid content for format %s: (%r)" % (format_name, content,)) # Use a binary string for CF_TEXT content. if isinstance(content, text_type): encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() content = content.encode(encoding) return content @classmethod def _convert_format_unicode(cls, content): format_name = cls.format_names[cls.format_unicode] if not isinstance(content, (text_type, binary_type)): raise TypeError("Invalid content for format %s: (%r)" % (format_name, content,)) # Use a text string for CF_UNICODETEXT content. if isinstance(content, binary_type): encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() content = content.decode(encoding) return content @classmethod def _convert_format_hdrop(cls, content): # The CF_HDROP clipboard format is for copied file paths. format_name = cls.format_names[cls.format_hdrop] result = content # Convert string content into a list of file paths. String content # must be a list of file paths separated by new lines and/or null # characters. The following example string is acceptable: # "c:\\temp1.txt\0c:\\temp2.txt\0\0". if isinstance(content, (text_type, binary_type)): delimiter = u"[\0\r\n]" if isinstance(content, binary_type): delimiter = delimiter.encode() # Convert string content into a list and remove empty # strings. result = re.split(delimiter, content) result = [string for string in result if string] # Verify that the list/tuple items are non-empty strings. elif isinstance(content, (list, tuple)): string_items = all([ isinstance(item, (text_type, binary_type)) and item for item in content ]) if not string_items: raise TypeError("Invalid content type for format %s: (%r)" % (format_name, content)) # Only strings, tuples and lists are accepted for CF_HDROP # content. else: raise TypeError("Invalid content type for format %s: (%r)" % (format_name, content)) # Remove the file scheme from strings if it is present. file_paths = [] for string in result: file_scheme = (u"file://" if isinstance(string, text_type) else b"file://") if string.startswith(file_scheme): string = string[7:] file_paths.append(string) result = file_paths # Empty lists/tuples are not acceptable. if not result: raise ValueError("Invalid content value for format %s: (%r)" % (format_name, content)) # Verify that strings in the content list are existing, absolute # file paths. Relative paths are not accepted because they do not # make sense without the context of a working directory. The system # clipboard does not typically have such a context. file_paths_exist = all([ os.path.isabs(item) and os.path.exists(item) for item in result ]) if not (file_paths_exist and result): raise ValueError("Invalid content value for format %s: (%r)" % (format_name, content)) # Use a tuple for CF_HDROP content. if isinstance(result, list): result = tuple(result) return result
[docs] @classmethod def convert_format_content(cls, format, content): """ Convert content for the given *format*, if necessary, and return it. This method operates on the following formats: - *text* -- encodes content to a binary string, if necessary and if possible. - *unicode* -- decodes content to a text string, if necessary and if possible. - *hdrop* -- converts content into a tuple of file paths, if necessary and if possible. String content must be a list of existing, absolute file paths separated by new lines and/or null characters. All specified file paths must be absolute paths referring to existing files on the system. If the content cannot be converted for the given *format*, an error is raised. Arguments: - *format* (int) -- the clipboard format to convert. - *content* (string) -- the clipboard contents to convert. """ convert_method = { cls.format_text: cls._convert_format_text, cls.format_unicode: cls._convert_format_unicode, cls.format_hdrop: cls._convert_format_hdrop, }.get(format) if convert_method is not None: content = convert_method(content) # Return the content. return content
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, contents=None, text=None, from_system=False): self._contents = {} # If requested, retrieve current system clipboard contents. if from_system: self.copy_from_system() # Process given contents for this Clipboard instance. if contents: try: contents = dict(contents) # Enumerate and add contents, converting contents if # necessary. for format, content in contents.items(): content = self.convert_format_content(format, content) self._contents[format] = content except Exception as e: raise TypeError("Invalid contents: %s (%r)" % (e, contents)) # Handle special case of text content. if text is not None: text = self.convert_format_content(self.format_unicode, text) self._contents[self.format_unicode] = text def __eq__(self, other): formats = self.get_available_formats() if formats != other.get_available_formats(): return False for format in formats: if self.get_format(format) != other.get_format(format): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __lt__(self, other): return not self == other def __repr__(self): arguments = [] skip = [] if self.format_unicode in self._contents: arguments.append("unicode=%r" % self._contents[self.format_unicode]) skip.append(self.format_unicode) elif self.format_text in self._contents: arguments.append("text=%r" % self._contents[self.format_text]) skip.append(self.format_text) for format in sorted(self._contents.keys()): if format in skip: continue if format in self.format_names: arguments.append(self.format_names[format]) else: arguments.append(repr(format)) arguments = ", ".join(str(a) for a in arguments) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
[docs] def copy_from_system(self, formats=None, clear=False): """ Copy the system clipboard contents into this instance. Arguments: - *formats* (iterable, default: None) -- if not None, only the given content formats will be retrieved. If None, all available formats will be retrieved. - *clear* (boolean, default: False) -- if true, the system clipboard will be cleared after its contents have been retrieved. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def copy_to_system(self, clear=True): """ Copy the contents of this instance into the system clipboard. Arguments: - *clear* (boolean, default: True) -- if true, the system clipboard will be cleared before this instance's contents are transferred. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_available_formats(self): """ Retrieve a list of this instance's available formats. The preferred text format, if available, will always be the first on the list followed by any remaining formats in numerical order. """ # Return a list of available formats using the same order as # __repr__(). formats = [] if self.format_unicode in self._contents: formats.append(self.format_unicode) elif self.format_text in self._contents: formats.append(self.format_text) for format in sorted(self._contents.keys()): if format in formats: continue formats.append(format) return formats
[docs] def has_format(self, format): """ Determine whether this instance has content for the given *format*. Arguments: - *format* (int) -- the clipboard format to look for. """ return format in self._contents
[docs] def get_format(self, format): """ Retrieved this instance's content for the given *format*. Arguments: - *format* (int) -- the clipboard format to retrieve. If the given *format* is not available, a *ValueError* is raised. """ try: return self._contents[format] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Clipboard format not available: %r" % format)
[docs] def set_format(self, format, content): """ Set this instance's content for the given *format*. Arguments: - *format* (int) -- the clipboard format to set. - *content* (string) -- the clipboard contents to set. If the given *format* is not available, a *ValueError* is raised. If *None* is given as the *content*, any content stored for the given *format* will be cleared. """ if content is None: self._contents.pop(format, None) else: content = self.convert_format_content(format, content) self._contents[format] = content
[docs] def has_text(self): """ Determine whether this instance has text content. """ return (self.format_unicode in self._contents or self.format_text in self._contents)
[docs] def get_text(self): """ Retrieve this instance's text content. If no text content is available, this method returns *None*. """ if self.format_unicode in self._contents: return self._contents[self.format_unicode] elif self.format_text in self._contents: return self._contents[self.format_text] else: return None
[docs] def set_text(self, content): """ Set the text content for this instance. Arguments: - *content* (string) -- the text content to set. If *None* is given as the *content*, any text content stored in this instance will be cleared. """ # Clear text content for this instance, if requested. if content is None: self._contents.pop(self.format_text, None) self._contents.pop(self.format_unicode, None) return if isinstance(content, binary_type): format = self.format_text else: format = self.format_unicode # Set this instance's content for the appropriate format. self.set_format(format, content)
text = property(get_text, set_text)