Source code for

# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

This file implements interfaces to the X selections (clipboards):

 * Abstract BaseX11Clipboard interface to the X selections.
 * XselClipboard class implementation using the xsel program.


# pylint: disable=W0622
# Suppress warnings about redefining the built-in 'format' function.

from __future__                       import print_function

import locale
from subprocess                       import Popen, PIPE
import sys

from six                              import integer_types, binary_type

from import BaseClipboard


[docs] class BaseX11Clipboard(BaseClipboard): """ Base X11 clipboard class. """ format_text = 1 format_unicode = 13 format_hdrop = 15 # Include formats for the standard three X selections. #: Format for the primary X selection. format_x_primary = 0x10000 #: Format for the secondary X selection. format_x_secondary = 0x10001 #: Format for the clipboard X selection (alias of format_unicode). format_x_clipboard = 13 format_names = { format_text: "text", format_unicode: "unicode", format_x_primary: "x_primary", format_x_secondary: "x_secondary", format_hdrop: "hdrop", } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _get_x_selection(cls, format): raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def _set_x_selection(cls, format, content): raise NotImplementedError() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def get_system_text(cls): try: return cls._get_x_selection(cls.format_x_clipboard) except TypeError: # Return the empty string if there is nothing in the selection # or if its contents could not be retrieved. return u""
[docs] @classmethod def set_system_text(cls, content): # If *content* is None, clear the clipboard and return early. if content is None: cls.clear_clipboard() return # Otherwise, convert *content* and set the system clipboard data. content = cls.convert_format_content(cls.format_unicode, content) cls._set_x_selection(cls.format_x_clipboard, content)
[docs] @classmethod def clear_clipboard(cls): cls.set_system_text(u"")
[docs] def copy_from_system(self, formats=None, clear=False): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # Determine which formats to retrieve. supported_formats = (self.format_text, self.format_unicode, self.format_hdrop, self.format_x_primary, self.format_x_secondary) caller_specified_formats = bool(formats) if not formats: formats = supported_formats elif isinstance(formats, integer_types): formats = (formats,) # Verify that the given formats are valid. for format in formats: if not isinstance(format, integer_types): raise TypeError("Invalid clipboard format: %r" % format) # Retrieve the system clipboard content. try: clipboard_text = self._get_x_selection(self.format_x_clipboard) except TypeError: clipboard_text = u"" contents = {} # Populate the clipboard contents dictionary and raise errors for # unavailable formats. for format in formats: err = False try: # Retrieve and use other X selections as text, if required. if format in (self.format_x_primary, self.format_x_secondary): text = self._get_x_selection(format) else: text = clipboard_text # Attempt to convert and set text for this clipboard format. content = self.convert_format_content(format, text) contents[format] = content except (ValueError, TypeError): err = True # Do not raise errors for formats that the caller did not # specify. if format in supported_formats and not caller_specified_formats: err = False # Always raise an error if the format is not supported. if format not in supported_formats: err = True # Raise an error if a specified clipboard format was not # available. if err: format_repr = self.format_names.get(format, format) message = ("Specified clipboard format %r is not " "available." % format_repr) raise TypeError(message) self._contents = contents # Then clear the system clipboard, if requested. if clear: self.clear_clipboard()
[docs] def copy_to_system(self, clear=True): # Clear the system clipboard, if requested. if clear: self.clear_clipboard() # Transfer content to the X selections. # Text content is put on the clipboard selection, if necessary. text = self.get_text() if text is not None: self._set_x_selection(self.format_x_clipboard, text) # CF_HDROP content is put on the clipboard selection, if necessary. # This might not work properly. elif self.has_format(self.format_hdrop): file_paths = self.get_format(self.format_hdrop) content = u"\n".join(file_paths) + u"\n" self._set_x_selection(self.format_x_clipboard, content) # Set the primary selection content, if necessary. if self.has_format(self.format_x_primary): content = self.get_format(self.format_x_primary) self._set_x_selection(self.format_x_primary, content) # Set the secondary selection content, if necessary. if self.has_format(self.format_x_secondary): content = self.get_format(self.format_x_secondary) self._set_x_selection(self.format_x_secondary, content)
[docs] class XselClipboard(BaseX11Clipboard): """ Class for interacting with X selections (clipboards) using xsel. This is Dragonfly's default clipboard class on X11/Linux. """ @classmethod def _run_command(cls, command, arguments, input_data=None): """ Run a command with arguments and return the result. """ arguments = [str(arg) for arg in arguments] full_command = [command] + arguments full_readable_command = ' '.join(full_command) cls._log.debug(full_readable_command) try: # Execute the child process, passing input data if necessary. encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() popen_kwargs = dict(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) comm_kwargs = {} if input_data is not None: popen_kwargs["stdin"] = PIPE if not isinstance(input_data, binary_type): input_data = input_data.encode(encoding) comm_kwargs["input"] = input_data p = Popen(full_command, **popen_kwargs) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(**comm_kwargs) # Decode output if it is binary. if isinstance(stdout, binary_type): stdout = stdout.decode(encoding) if isinstance(stderr, binary_type): stderr = stderr.decode(encoding) # Print error messages to stderr. if stderr: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) # Return the process output and return code. return stdout, p.returncode except OSError as e: cls._log.error("Failed to execute command '%s': %s. Is " "%s installed?", full_readable_command, e, command) raise e @classmethod def _get_x_selection(cls, format): if format == cls.format_x_primary: arguments = ["--primary", "-o"] elif format == cls.format_x_secondary: arguments = ["--secondary", "-o"] elif format == cls.format_x_clipboard: arguments = ["--clipboard", "-o"] else: raise ValueError("Invalid X selection: %r" % format) stdout, return_code = cls._run_command("xsel", arguments) if return_code != 0 or not stdout: format_repr = cls.format_names.get(format, format) message = ("Specified X selection %r is not available." % format_repr) raise TypeError(message) return stdout @classmethod def _set_x_selection(cls, format, content): if format == cls.format_x_primary: arguments = ["--primary", "-i"] elif format == cls.format_x_secondary: arguments = ["--secondary", "-i"] elif format == cls.format_x_clipboard: arguments = ["--clipboard", "-i"] else: raise ValueError("Invalid X selection: %r" % format) _, return_code = cls._run_command("xsel", arguments, content) if return_code != 0: format_repr = cls.format_names.get(format, format) message = ("Specified X selection %r could not be set." % format_repr) raise TypeError(message)